Revenue Cycle Strategies

Strategies for Outsourced Revenue Cycle Management

Strategies for Revenue Cycle Outsourcing in a Co-Shared Business Model For many healthcare provider organizations, staffing shortages continue to create a variety of cash flow obstacles. In researching different outsourcing options, solutions will range from a specific area of need to a substantial portion of your business office. In most cases, ReMedics provides a co-shared

Single Cash Management Solutions

Supporting Multiple Divisions, PM Systems & Clearinghouses – to a Single Receiver Maintaining Current Practice Management IT Investments Physician Practice Groups and Management Services Organizations (MSOs) put significant resources and investment into their Practice Management (PM) Systems. These core business applications include billing processes and reporting tools that are vital to the financial health of

Optimizing Existing Infrastructure with M&A Transactions

Optimizing Existing Infrastructure with Physician Practice Group M&A Transactions With 338,899 currently active physician group practices in the U.S., as reported by Definitive Healthcare¹, it’s inevitable that a large number of mergers and acquisitions will continue to occur for them to remain competitive and to expand their services. For many physician owners, however, maintaining some

Challenges with Physician Practice Group M&A

Common Challenges with Physician Practice Group Mergers & Acquisitions Strategies for Success For practice groups planning a merger or acquisition, there are numerous challenges that can delay the process. Maintaining current Practice Management (PM) systems, deciding on how funds will get distributed and staffing decisions are just a few examples. ReMedics specializes in correcting many

post-merger systems integration

Streamlining Post-Merger Integrations

Streamlining Post-Merger Integrations When merging two or more practice groups together, there’s a considerable amount of work to be done in negotiating agreements and in working through all of the organizational details. Some may say, however, that after the papers are signed, the real work is just getting started. When it comes to the revenue

physician group merger

Case Study | Merging Practice Groups with Multiple PM Systems

Case Study Preview: A Collaboration of ENT Practice Groups  A new case study published by ReMedics features a collaboration of four ENT Physician Groups that treat over 20,000 patients a year. They currently have over a dozen combined locations, providing comprehensive medical and surgical care. The individual practice groups desired to maintain their business autonomy,