Revenue Cycle Strategies

Strategies for Outsourced Revenue Cycle Management

Strategies for Revenue Cycle Outsourcing in a Co-Shared Business Model For many healthcare provider organizations, staffing shortages continue to create a variety of cash flow obstacles. In researching different outsourcing options, solutions will range from a specific area of need to a substantial portion of your business office. In most cases, ReMedics provides a co-shared

Revenue Cycle Outsourcing

Physician Practice Group Revenue Cycle Outsourcing

Revenue Cycle Outsourcing: Integrated with Existing PM Systems ReMedics delivers fully integrated revenue cycle solutions and services that help to lower operational costs, increase staff productivity and optimize ROI. Our outsourced services, integrated with existing Practice Management (PM) Systems, modernizes the business office by eliminating manual processes associated with payment posting, check matching, document retrieval,

Healthcare Extended Business Services

Outsourced Solutions for Accelerating Cash Flow

Applying Technology + Systems Integration to Extended Business Office Solutions  For healthcare providers who are experiencing staffing shortages and/or bottlenecks in various stages of their revenue cycle, it may be worth investigating Extended Business Office (EBO) options. Identifying the right vendor, however, for your specific needs is critical to making the transition (to outsourcing) as

ReMedics Revenue Cycle BPO Services

Healthcare Revenue Cycle BPO

Healthcare Revenue Cycle BPO Are you looking to outsource some or all of your revenue cycle processes? With a unique blend of services + workflow automation technology, ReMedics provides fully outsourced BPO services across all healthcare delivery networks, including: Physician Groups; Hospitals; MSOs; DSOs; and Eye Care Networks. From Lockbox Payment Processing to Bank Reconciliation

medical billing and collections outsourced services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services  New Service Line Available to Healthcare Provider Clients We’re excited to announce that ReMedics is starting a new co-shared service line that will provide comprehensive collection solutions to our clients. As part of its services, ReMedics will be providing its clients with dynamic reporting options to quickly review details on

MSO Multi-System Remittance Processing

Remittance Outsourcing for Management Services Organizations

Remittance Outsourcing for Management Services Organizations (MSOs) to a Single Receiver With physician practice group consolidation, efficiently processing and posting remittances for multiple practice management (PM) systems, clearinghouses and bank lockboxes can become significantly complex. This is especially true if all the groups are reporting to a single Tax ID and the clearinghouse ERAs are