Automated A/R Workflow and Efficiency

Practical Solutions for Improving A/R Management Creating More Efficient A/R Processes Implementing A/R workflow improvements can have a significant impact on staff efficiency and cash flow. It’s important to first mention, however, the need for automation in the capture, management and use of all patient, government and third-party insurance payment information. Second, is the need

Medical Coding Errors

Being Proactive with Claim Errors

Efficiently Repairing Exception-Based Claim Errors Claim errors and missing information in patient billing can cost your organization valuable time and lost revenue. Identifying errors that cause delays in posting payments and getting them efficiently corrected is vital to financial performance. With ReMedics exception-based worklisting tools, we use over 200 customized data validation rules to automatically

Core Principles of Cash Management

The Core Principles of Cash Management  

ReMedics Core Principles of Cash Management   Many of today’s automated solutions still generate a significant percentage of payment exceptions and defects. ReMedics specializes in revenue cycle optimization and the prevention of reimbursement delays with the use of AI, Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM). With these technologies, ReMedics ensures that correct

medical billing and collections outsourced services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services  New Service Line Available to Healthcare Provider Clients We’re excited to announce that ReMedics is starting a new co-shared service line that will provide comprehensive collection solutions to our clients. As part of its services, ReMedics will be providing its clients with dynamic reporting options to quickly review details on