Capturing 100% of Your 835 Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)

ERA Data apture and Splitting

ReMedics co-shared BPO services can automate, streamline and improve all of your remittance, data validation and reconciliation processes. This includes the capture and enhancement of your data for all payments, adjustments, zero-pays and comments by seamlessly integrating with your existing EMR and/or Practice Management (PM) System — and other Line of Business (LOB) systems. These services and integration capabilities help to manage your transactional data in areas such as remittance processing, bank reconciliation, fund transfers, denial/defect management and A/R collections.

ReMedics captures 100% of X12 835 Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA), providing enhanced analytical reporting and knowledgeable decision-making capabilities beyond what is typically available in standard revenue reports. 

Connecting to Clearinghouse, Banking and Lockbox Partners

We start by collecting information from your existing clearinghouse (or multiple clearinghouses) for 837 Claim files, Demographic Data, and 100% of your 835 ERA files. From your banks and lockboxes, we capture the BAI deposit register, direct mail, check deposits and all correspondence on a daily basis*. Paper EOBs are converted to standard 835 files for automated workflow processing. By automating the data capture from multiple sources to a single platform, your payment processing gets done sooner with less handling of errors. 

Correspondence Management

By capturing and routing correspondence through rules-based workflows, items can be entered and utilized much faster, thereby reducing turn-times and increasing productivity. Using the latest best-of-breed tools and centralized document management, tasks such as auto-indexing, auto-classification and correspondence routing automatically directs documents to the appropriate personnel.

EDI Parsing and Segmentation for Co-mingled Deposits and Remittances

By leveraging a single cash management platform, we provide for co-mingled deposits and remittances in the payment posting and reconciliation processes. With the use of proprietary technology, provided by our sister company RCMS, we are uniquely positioned to support multi-submitter, single-receiver business models that utilize independent EMR/PM System vendors, EDI Clearinghouses, and Banking relationships that remain distinct to each practice group.

Read more about our EDI Parsing and Segmenting Capabilities.

ReMedics Data Capture Benefits

  • 100% of ERAs and all correspondence captured to one centralized platform
  • Reduced administrative expenses with faster turnaround of payments
  • Automated splitting/parsing and segmentation of co-mingled EDI remittances
  • Patient eligibility and benefits verified, lowering account receivables
  • Review of claim status and remittance documents, spending less time on the phone
  • System errors identified, remark codes applied, and payments quickly resolved
  • Transactions set up to be automatically generated in daily workflow 

Working with ReMedics 

ReMedics can work with your revenue cycle and IT staff to prepare a free Cost/Benefit ROI Analysis of our proposed services and/or technology solutions. Contact us today — or call 440-671-7700 to learn more.

*during standard weekday business hours, subject to banking closures and official federal holidays.