Eliminating Paper Documents for Post-Encounter Billing Processes

Capturing Your Paper EOB’s and Correspondence

Document Capture, Indexing & Retrieval

With the ReMedics Document Management Portal, accounting personnel can quickly search and retrieve EOB and correspondence files by Patient Last Name, Check Number, Invoice Date, Paid Amount and many other “wildcard” options to easily identify any missing information needed for posting. By providing staff with a complete record that is indexed, searchable and integrated to your PM and EMR systems, the billing department is no longer dealing with searching through files for paper documents or in disconnected, disparate systems. 

ReMedics Document Management: Optimizing Your Content 

ReMedics can provide you with the ability to manage all of your documentation with a centralized document management platform — connected to your existing EMR and PM systems. This hosted repository of your paper EOBs and correspondence provides quick access to electronic data, images and documents through a searchable database. Contact ReMedics to schedule a free Cost Benefit/ROI Analysis to capture and process all your correspondence and remittance.