medical billing and collections outsourced services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services

ReMedics Announces Comprehensive Collection Services  New Service Line Available to Healthcare Provider Clients We’re excited to announce that ReMedics is starting a new co-shared service line that will provide comprehensive collection solutions to our clients. As part of its services, ReMedics will be providing its clients with dynamic reporting options to quickly review details on

Modernizing Medicine MOMENTUM 2023

Visit ReMedics at Momentum 2023 in Orlando

Join ReMedics at ModMed’s MOMENTUM 2023 in Orlando Stop and See Us in Booth #202 ReMedics will once again be exhibiting at Modernizing Medicine’s MOMENTUM, October 13-15 in Orlando. For healthcare providers, physician practice group leaders and support staff, MOMENTUM is “filled with educational sessions, a captivating keynote, specialty-specific panels, incredible one-on-one support, unforgettable networking

MSO Multi-System Remittance Processing

Remittance Outsourcing for Management Services Organizations

Remittance Outsourcing for Management Services Organizations (MSOs) to a Single Receiver With physician practice group consolidation, efficiently processing and posting remittances for multiple practice management (PM) systems, clearinghouses and bank lockboxes can become significantly complex. This is especially true if all the groups are reporting to a single Tax ID and the clearinghouse ERAs are

Automated Electronic and Paper Data Capture

Automating Revenue Cycle Processes for Electronic and Paper Payments Streamlined Workflows for Improved Processing Speed and Data Accuracy In order to streamline remittance processing work with minimal errors, ReMedics enhances the data capture of all payments to include adjustments, zero pays and comments. Integrated to any major Practice Management (PM) System (or multiple systems) and

Advanced OCR/ICR for Data Conversion

Advanced OCR/ICR Solutions for Automated Data Extraction & Conversion Utilizing OCR/ICR with Extensive Rules-based, Machine Learning Techniques With a sizable number of insurance payers still sending paper documents to healthcare providers, ReMedics helps our clients to convert their paper EOBs to ANSI standard 835 electronic files. One of the many technology tools that ReMedics uses