Advanced OCR/ICR for Data Conversion

Advanced OCR/ICR Solutions for Automated Data Extraction & Conversion Utilizing OCR/ICR with Extensive Rules-based, Machine Learning Techniques With a sizable number of insurance payers still sending paper documents to healthcare providers, ReMedics helps our clients to convert their paper EOBs to ANSI standard 835 electronic files. One of the many technology tools that ReMedics uses

ReMedics EOB Infographic

OCR Data Extraction: Converting Paper EOBs to 835 ERAs

Converting EOBs to 835 Electronic Remittance Advices Optical Character Recognition (OCR) in its simplest form is the process whereby a paper document is scanned and the image is captured for processing data into a specific application, such as paper-based EOBs. The text is extracted from an image and converted into machine readable data (as 835