ReMedics EDI Parsing and Segmenting Services

Parsing and Segmenting Co-Mingled Remittances

EDI Parsing and Segmenting Services For Health Systems and Physician Practice Groups needing to post payments for different divisions, locations or business units through separate billing systems, ReMedics specializes in working with remittances containing multiple Tax ID/EINs and NPIs in a multi-submitter, single receiver business environment. With the use of workflow automation and AI, powered

ReMedics and Your Bank Accounts

ReMedics and Your Bank Accounts  The Process Behind the Processing Knowing how ReMedics interacts with our clients’ bank accounts is an important area of understanding the processing that takes place. For many of our clients, we work very closely with the bank associated with the “Corporate Lockbox” account. This is the account where ACH/EFT and