Exploring the Benefits of a Single Cash Management Platform

Revenue Cycle Services with a Single Cash Management Solution  The use of multiple, independent systems typically occurs when a Physician Group or Management Services Organization (MSO) is active with mergers and acquisitions. This is especially true when it comes to allowing the individual business units or divisions to maintain practice group autonomy and continued use

Providing RCM Support for Multiple Clearinghouses

Managing Revenue Cycle Processes for Multiple Clearinghouses to a Centralized Single Receiver Our client’s Clearinghouses and Banks play a key role in how medical claims are submitted and how insurance payors provide reimbursement back to the physician group. Clearinghouse services go beyond just claim submission and remediation. Their services can also include eligibility and benefits

Preventing Denials in 2025

The Core Principles of Cash Management  

ReMedics Core Principles of Cash Management   Many of today’s automated solutions still generate a significant percentage of payment exceptions and defects. ReMedics specializes in revenue cycle optimization and the prevention of reimbursement delays with the use of AI, Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM). With these technologies, ReMedics ensures that correct

ReMedics Revenue Cycle Outsourcing (RCO)

ReMedics Revenue Cycle Outsourcing (RCO) Services and Technology

Revenue Cycle Outsourcing: Pursuing Cash Flow Stability, Scalability and Workflow Efficiency  Many of today’s physician practice groups and hospitals face numerous revenue cycle issues, including lower reimbursement rates, inconsistent cash flow, staffing challenges, and time-consuming claim denial processes. It’s been estimated that hospitals lose $68 billion each year due to billing errors alone. The challenges

Automated Electronic and Paper Data Capture

Automating Revenue Cycle Processes for Electronic and Paper Payments Streamlined Workflows for Improved Processing Speed and Data Accuracy In order to streamline remittance processing work with minimal errors, ReMedics enhances the data capture of all payments to include adjustments, zero pays and comments. Integrated to any major Practice Management (PM) System (or multiple systems) and