Automated Electronic and Paper Data Capture

Automating Revenue Cycle Processes for Electronic and Paper Payments

Streamlined Workflows for Improved Processing Speed and Data Accuracy

In order to streamline remittance processing work with minimal errors, ReMedics enhances the data capture of all payments to include adjustments, zero pays and comments. Integrated to any major Practice Management (PM) System (or multiple systems) and a ReMedics hosted document management platform, virtual workflows are established that significantly improve processing speeds and data quality — from ERAs and paper EOBs. By automating the capture and routing of payments and correspondence through rules-based workflows, items can be entered and worked faster, thereby increasing productivity.

At ReMedics, our desire is to help our physician practice group and hospital clients to receive as much electronic remittance as possible. With our broad geographical coverage, we can help you to review those payors still using paper remittances to find any opportunities for receiving electronic payments.

ReMedics Outsoutced RCM Benefits

  • 100% of ERAs and all correspondence captured to one centralized platform
  • Reduced administrative expenses with faster turnaround of payments
  • Patient eligibility and benefits verified, lowering account receivables
  • Efficient review of claim status and remittance documents, spending less time on the phone
  • System errors identified, remark codes applied and payments quickly resolved
  • Transactions set up to be automatically generated in daily workflow

Correspondence Indexing and Worklists

Using a centralized document management repository hosted by ReMedics, tasks such as auto-indexing, auto-classification and correspondence routing automatically directs documents to the appropriate personnel and/or worklist. With these indexing services in place, operations staff can quickly review payment details using a variety of worklist inquiries. The key is having a solution capable of capturing correspondence in all electronic and paper formats, including: scanned mail; faxes; emails; EDI; and any other source of data. Visit our Exception Worklists web page for additional information.

Contact ReMedics About Revenue Cycle Outsourcing 

ReMedics has decades of data capture, workflow automation and document management experience. Contact Us today to learn more about automating your remittance processes and how we can help to significantly improve your revenue cycle key performance indicators (KPIs).