Revenue Cycle Outsourcing Services

Revenue Cycle Services for Growing Organizations

Outsourced RCM Services Designed to Grow with Your Business

Mergers and acquisitions that include the use of multiple billing systems can bring a significant amount of manual work to reconcile, distribute and report on all payments being posted or re-worked. As organizations grow by adding dozens or more business units and multiple HIM sources, having the ability to quickly adapt to the volume of work in Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is critical to the success of consolidating business offices and cultivating growth through expansion.  

Improving Staff Efficiency with a Co-Shared Business Model

As a co-shared business model partner, ReMedics provides a variety of payment processing, data validation and bank reconciliation services that optimize an organization’s current staff, improving their efficiency and overall performance while reducing backlogs. A key aspect of our services includes help with payment posting from multiple systems, including the processing of PLB adjustments, co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance, transfers, write-offs, take-backs, remark codes, denials and much more. Our Data Validation services also ensure that correct information is applied to the patient account by helping to scrub and cleanse all of the data being captured prior to posting.

As a high number of RCM department vacancies and leaves of absence continue to be a top concern for many healthcare providers, ReMedics can deliver consistency with your payment posting, cash flow and A/R. Visit our Streamlined Payment Processing page to learn more.

Monitoring Our Work, Statistical Analysis and Denials

ReMedics provides detailed daily reports and dynamic scorecards with key performance metrics and other relevant data needed for monitoring of all the work being performed — across all business units and divisions. We also incorporate Microsoft Power BI as a data source for drill-down analytics and statistical analysis. You know exactly how many payments were processed and ready for posting and how many exceptions need to be reviewed. We also help to identify the primary source of your denials and turn follow-up activity into a more efficient and effective workflow.

Working with ReMedics

Having the right business partner in place that can grow with your business is a key step in efficiently managing the finances of a pending merger or acquisition. ReMedics is highly experienced in working with complex, multi-system business models having dozens of semi-autonomous divisions. Contact us today to learn how ReMedics can help with the growth of your organization. Send us a few details or call 440-671-7700.